Online marketing consulting
from real online marketing experts

Whether strategic online marketing consulting, operational support in the implementation of online marketing measures or training your employees in online marketing issues. Our experienced experts will provide you with the best online marketing consulting.

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When consulting on online marketing, we focus primarily on the following specialist areas:

Online marketing strategy development

Online marketing cost & benefit analysis

Online marketing channels & success factors

Online marketing training & further education

Examples of our work as online marketing consultants:

We are proud to have implemented a wide variety of projects for a large number of clients. These include projects for established industry giants such as Zalando, ERGO, WISAG or d.velop, but also for young start-up and scale-up companies such as ToolTime, Tier Mobility or bluecode.

We consult companies and work with them to develop successful online marketing strategies.

This includes, for example:
Creation of audits for existing online marketing activities
Setting up and optimizing online marketing channels
Detailed online marketing strategy for continuous growth

We strategically implement online marketing for all relevant channels with foresight

This includes, among other things:
In-depth understanding of the individual channels and their potential
Methodical approach in structured processes
A/B testing and pilot campaigns for new channels

We train internal teams and employees in online marketing topics.

For example about:
Internal training on relevant channels
Provision of structures & processes for in-house marketing
Senior contact for online marketing topics

From the challenge to the next level of growth - this is the typical course of an online marketing consulting project:

1. Project start and scope definition

As part of a strategy workshop, we set clear goals, identify challenges, determine growth potential and define KPIs. These are translated into project milestones to enable well-structured planning.

2. Carrying out an analysis

We use a structured process to examine all existing online marketing channels and analyze their strengths and weaknesses as well as the steps and measures required to achieve the defined goals.

3. Involvement of all stakeholders

In order to drive the project forward as efficiently as possible, we ensure that all stakeholders relevant to the online marketing project are regularly involved in consultations. This prevents obstacles from arising.

4. Iterative testing of the measures

The planned measures are strategically tested in short, structured iteration phases. They are then optimized until they achieve the desired KPI targets and are sustainably scalable in the long term.

5. Implementation of structures and processes

In order to ensure that success is not only achieved during the test phase, but transitioning into continuous growth, we establish the necessary online marketing processes and structures within the company.

We provide expert advice on all relevant online marketing platforms.

Our expertise is the result of many years of working for large and medium-sized companies as well as start-ups and scale-ups. Through ongoing training and a constant eye on the latest trends and developments, we always ensure that we develop a contemporary, state-of-the-art strategy.

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Google Display
Youtube Ads
Meta Ads
LinkedIn Ads
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TikTok Ads
Bing Ads
Native Display
Programmatic Display

In an increasingly digitized world, we also emphasize the importance of data protection and compliance.

Our specific focus on GDPR compliance demonstrates our understanding of regional and global data protection requirements. Our expertise in tools such as Google Tag Manager ensures that your online marketing strategies are both innovative and legally compliant.

Frequently asked questions


Is online marketing consulting relevant for my company?

Professional online marketing advice is highly relevant for your company, especially if you want to strengthen your presence in the digital space and reach your target group effectively. Through targeted consulting, customized strategies can be developed that are specifically tailored to the needs and goals of your company. This leads to improved visibility among relevant target groups and enables more potential customers to access your offer. In addition, a qualified online marketing consultancy also supports you in analyzing competitive strategies and identifying new opportunities in the digital market. It is therefore an important step in ensuring the long-term competitiveness of your company.


What exactly does an online marketing consultancy do?

Online marketing consulting is essential for a successful digital presence. It begins with an in-depth analysis of individual company goals, target groups and market dynamics. Based on this, tailor-made strategies are developed that make optimal use of channels such as SEA, social media and programmatic display. Through continuous monitoring and iterative adjustment of measures, online marketing consulting ensures a sustainable increase in performance. It also offers expertise in the selection of suitable tools and technologies.


What is online marketing?

Online marketing encompasses all digital strategies for advertising products or services on the internet. In addition to search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, organic social media marketing and email marketing, this also includes paid social media marketing, SEA (search engine advertising), programmatic and native display advertising. Effective online marketing consulting, as offered by altitude, is crucial for selecting, developing and successfully implementing the right channels for your company.


How can I get started with online marketing in my company?

A structured approach is required to successfully start online marketing. The first step is to define clear goals and precisely identify the target group. This is followed by a thorough analysis of the competitive situation. The selection of suitable channels is crucial in order to achieve the set goals in an efficient and scalable manner. Continuous analysis and adaptation of the strategy ensure long-term success. Expert advice, as offered by altitude, ensures promising implementation.


What is the difference between marketing and online marketing?

Essentially, marketing and online marketing differ in their scope of action. Marketing encompasses all strategies for marketing products or services, regardless of the channel. Online marketing focuses specifically on digital platforms such as websites, search engines and social media. It uses tools such as search engine optimization, content marketing and social media advertising to achieve a targeted online presence. The advantage of online marketing lies in the direct approach to a broad target group in the digital space, with detailed measurability of the results. It complements conventional marketing and is indispensable for successful brand communication in today's networked world.


What requirements do I need to fulfill to take advantage of online marketing consulting for my company?

In order to receive effective online marketing advice for your company, a few basic requirements are crucial. First of all, there should be clear goals and a clear vision of the desired results. In addition, the willingness to implement the recommended strategies is crucial. Finally, a certain budget for the implementation of online marketing measures is necessary to achieve the desired results. As experienced consulting partners, we are happy to help you assess these requirements and develop a successful online marketing strategy.


What is the typical course of a project?

A typical online marketing consulting project consists of several structured phases. First, a thorough analysis and definition of the growth targets and framework conditions, including objectives, target groups and competitive environment, is carried out. Based on this, the most important growth levers for achieving the objectives are identified and customized strategies are developed. Through iterative implementation in clear steps, the measures are optimized and form the basis for sustainable growth. Transparent communication and close cooperation between consultants and companies are essential. Clear milestones and continuous evaluation ensure that objectives are achieved. Once the consultation has been completed, we continue to provide support with implementation and thus ensure long-term success in online marketing.


What kind of support does altitude offer after completing the online marketing consultation?

Once the online marketing consultancy has been completed, altitude offers comprehensive support. This includes the training and support of employees to ensure that the strategies developed are implemented effectively. We also focus on optimizing websites and landing pages to improve the user experience and increase conversion rates. Continuous optimization and implementation of performance campaigns are essential to achieve maximum results. In addition, we relieve internal resources by taking on operational workloads, creating space for strategic initiatives. This comprehensive support ensures long-term success in online marketing.


Can altitude also advise if there are already online marketing measures in the company?

Yes, altitude can of course also provide consulting services if online marketing measures are already being implemented in the company. In such cases, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the existing strategies and identify optimization potential. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on using existing resources efficiently and improving existing measures in a targeted manner. Through customized recommendations and the implementation of proven best practices, we ensure that your company exploits the full potential of online marketing. Our expertise makes it possible to achieve significant increases in performance even in established environments and to strengthen competitiveness in the long term.


What does an online marketing consultation cost?

The costs of an online marketing consultation vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project. It is advisable to have an individual quote drawn up in a personal meeting to clarify the exact costs. At altitude, we always take your specific requirements and goals into account. Our aim is to offer transparent and fair prices that enable long-term cooperation on an equal footing. The investment in sound online marketing consulting usually pays off through the successes and growth increases achieved. Our expertise ensures an optimal balance between investment and added value for your company.


What are the benefits of online marketing consulting?

Online marketing consulting offers your company decisive advantages. It enables customized strategies for addressing your target group in a targeted manner. It increases the efficiency of your marketing activities through tested methods and current trends. External expertise brings fresh perspectives and innovative approaches. This leads to sustainable growth and improves your competitive position. Sound online marketing consulting optimizes your resources and maximizes the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing efforts.


What does online marketing consulting involve?

Online marketing consulting offers decisive advantages for companies in the digital space. Tailor-made strategies, efficient budget utilization and targeted channel selection enable an effective customer approach. Continuous optimization, innovative approaches and up-to-date expert knowledge ensure sustainable growth. Long-term developments are taken into account. All in all, professional advice creates a solid foundation for digital growth.

Our team is as diverse as the online marketing consulting projects we implement for our clients.

75+ realized
Consulting projects

for start-ups, corporates and SMEs


from a wide range of specialist disciplines, including paid social (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.), paid search (Google, Bing, etc.), native and programmatic display, tracking & reporting

Lucas Bast

Founder & CMO

Lucas ist ein erfahrener Marketing Experte, der vor altitude mehrere Chief Marketing Officer bzw. Director of Marketing Positionen bekleidet hat. Er war u.a. tätig für Unternehmen wie Auto1 Group, DrSmile und Bloomy Days. Seine Expertise liegt in der Verbindung von daten-getriebenem Marketing und der strategischen Marken-Ausrichtung.

Lucas Bast

Your goal - our altitude.

Start our Growth Partnership today.

  • Comprehensive growth expertise in the areas of strategy, performance marketing, creative and tech

  • Team of experts with combined experience from the start-up scene, SMEs and corporates

  • Proven and scalable methodology in all processes

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We have already been able to support over 100 companies:

Known from

The benefits of online marketing consulting for scalable growth.

In the dynamic digital world, an effective online marketing strategy is crucial to a company's success. Professional consulting offers customized solutions that are specifically tailored to the individual needs of growth companies. From efficient budget allocation to continuous campaign optimization, from innovative approaches to expertise in current trends - here are seven key benefits that online marketing consulting at altitude offers.


Targeted strategies ensure sustainable growth

A professional online marketing consultancy develops customized strategies that are tailored to your company's individual goals and growth opportunities. Through a focused approach, resources are used efficiently to enable long-term and sustainable growth. We draw on our proven growth marketing process, which we have developed over many years and countless projects.


Efficient use of marketing budgets

Professional online marketing consulting helps to make targeted use of marketing budgets. Through thorough analyses and data-based decisions, resources are focused where they bring the greatest benefit. This leads to a higher return on investment (ROI) and efficient use of financial resources. Optimizing advertising campaigns and targeting the most profitable channels ensures that your marketing budget is used optimally.


Targeted customer approach through individual channel selection

Our online marketing consultancy supports you in selecting the optimal channels and techniques to reach your target group precisely. Whether through paid social media, SEA (search engine advertising) or other digital channels - the strategies are always adapted to the specific needs of your company in order to achieve maximum impact. Targeted messages and approaches on the right platforms ensure that your target group is optimally addressed.


Continuous optimization for better results

Professional consulting enables regular optimization of your marketing activities. Through ongoing analysis and adjustments, campaigns are continuously improved to achieve maximum results and accelerate growth. A/B testing, conversion optimization and the evaluation of KPIs are just some of the methods that contribute to continuous improvement.


Innovative approaches and fresh perspectives

Our online marketing experts use their experience to contribute fresh ideas and proven processes that often lead to new, innovative approaches. This encourages creativity and contributes to the development of innovative solutions that drive the growth of your business. The input of experienced professionals will give you valuable impetus to stand out from the competition and break new ground.


Expertise and access to the latest trends

With an online marketing consultation with altitude, you benefit from expert knowledge and can be sure that we always have an up-to-date overview of the constantly changing digital marketing landscape. As a result, you will always receive strategies and measures based on the latest trends and best practices. You will gain access to innovative technologies and processes that will help keep your marketing efforts up to date and increase competitiveness.


Tailor-made strategies for sustainable growth

Professional consulting develops individual strategies that are tailored to the specific goals and growth opportunities of your company. Through a targeted approach, resources are used efficiently to enable long-term and sustainable growth. At altitude, we not only take current trends into account, but also long-term developments in the digital environment.